Saturday 16 May 2020

Update: BOBSC Summer Sizzler

Good evening everyone,

We regret to inform you, and it is with great disappointment, that we are now cancelling our Summer Sizzler meet in July.  Refunds for all entries will be processed shortly.   

We appreciate that many of you (or rather, your swimmers) are keen to be back in the pool.  At the moment we do not know when we will be able to return to training or to competition.  We are awaiting further information and guidance from Swim England and BPL as to when swimming might resume.  BPL are in regular contact with Swim England, and are also awaiting further information and guidelines to be released by government.  Whilst plans are being made for managing a safe return to swimming, the situation continues to evolve and there is currently no defined date or exact timeline for when a return is likely to happen.  We will update you as we receive more information from BPL and/or Swim England in due course.   

In the meantime, we hope you all stay safe and well, and we hope it is not too long before we see you all again, 

Best regards

BOBSC Committee

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